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You Are Tailor Made

Life takes a long time to figure out. There are so many messes to clean up and fights to make up from and ladders to climb and fall off of, so many wounds to heal from and hearts to be soothed that it's no wonder we don't always put the emphasis we should on the question, why am I here? What is my destiny? Do I have a purpose?

Yes, you do. You were made uniquely with a specific pattern, cut from a special fabric and hand-stitched together to form a garment that not only fits well, but others can admire - meaning, they can be encouraged by. The bible says you were beautifully and wonderfully made - complex and marvelous (Psalm 139:14). You were created in the likeness of God (Genesis 1:27). The LORD has made everything for a purpose (Proverbs 16:4). You were made for a purpose - do you know what it is?

Nobody else can do what you were put on this earth to do - at this time, for this reason, with your talents and abilities. Only you. If you don't know what you're good at - don't say that you don't have any talents. Life is a progression of finding out about our gifts and how we can best use them. You may not fully know what they are but God doesn't make half-measures. He fills our cups to be running over. That's you, my friend. You're a cup waiting to run over.

Luke 6:38 (NKJV)

Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.”

Don't be afraid to step out and try new things. Don't be afraid to pick up new opportunities and just do your best. Don't be afraid to try and fail. What you see as failure, God may see as a stepping stone.

Don't be afraid.

My dad was a pioneer, but he was also an artist. He just never knew he was an artist. When he let himself, he created meaningful beauty. Mantel pieces for my sisters, wind chimes, a little dolls house for an art project I had at school one year, a garden sculpture of a wooden man pushing a lawn mower for a garden exhibition my parents held for fun, and a simple wooden aeroplane on a garden stake that my son and he painted together. He made arbours in the garden and beautiful hand-sawn garden steps, lovely garden beds, irrigation systems and glorious compost bins. Some of those things may not sound creative but they were crafted from his hands. They were thought out and constructed; pieced together for a purpose that then fitted the function it was created for. Some for enjoyment, some to fulfil a necessary operation.

You and I were made like that too. Some of our gifts are for enjoyment. Some are to fulfil a necessary operation. Whatever you do, even if things aren't always clear, the bible says, do what you put your hands to with all of your heart as working for the Lord, not people (Colossians 3:23).

Love well the people who surround you. Speak with conviction when you're called into a meaningful conversation. Help someone in need - take the initiative. Spend time with your children, talk about their day and make sure they feel supported. Link arms with the friends you have around you and walk on, together. If you feel a compunction to do something - even if it seems beyond you, try it. God calls us to things that are well beyond us, so that we will lean on Him, and don't have to carry the weight of it ourselves. I said, so we don't have to carry the weight ourselves.

When we do things with our whole heart, we're unable to complain and we can't focus on the fear factor. If we're putting our whole heart into something we're spilling out effort and desire to create a good result. It's a positive place to be.

Don't diminish what you think you have to bring to the world. Don't compare yourself to others. Don't wish to be some other way inclined. God is a full and complete God. He has made you full and complete. Don't let that be stolen from you. You are tailor made. No body else can be you. And that's important to God.


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