The bible is full of stories of people who faced traumatic situations and how God upheld them through years of tragedy. I love the old testament for this reason.
Joseph was the son of a shepherd, destined to become a prince and ruler of a foreign country. What he faced in his process was shock, loneliness, rejection, ridicule, physical harm, betrayal, hatred, temptation, false accusations, confusion, shame, brutality, humiliation, loneliness, grief, trauma, fear – and choices.
Esther was an orphan, destined to become a Queen in a royal court she didn't grow up in. What she faced in her process was shock, loneliness, loss, abandonment, uncertainty, anxiety, isolation, physical vulnerability, grief, trauma, fear – and choices.
Daniel was a prince, destined to become a slave, yet serving in a hostile palace as Chief of Governors. What he faced in his process was shock, loneliness, helplessness, possible physical injury, brain washing, scorn, hatred, framing, persecution, grief, trauma, fear – and choices.
Every single Israelite living under the harshness of slavery had their own story. We could single out more.
When we're going through our own traumatic life circumstances, the pivotal work of God in our lives is not so much how God will deliver us, but the test of our faith and where we choose to place it. Each of these heroes of the faith faced shock, loneliness, trauma, grief, and fear, followed up each time by the choices they were called to make.
The devil tried to derail God's plans for their lives and it would have been so easy for them to give way to doubt because of their emotional responses in their situations.
They didn't know what the events in their traumatic journeys were going to mean for them, or the people around them. They had no way of knowing all that hinged on their choices of obedience, forgiveness, courage, trust, and faith.
To get to their choices, they had to resolve something within themselves toward an end, and follow through. They had to place their faith and hope in God rather than any outcome in their future, because they weren’t given the privilege of being in control of their future. They had to reconcile their lives to God's will.
The devil wants to destroy us with doubt. But God wants to redeem us with faith.
Each day, whose will for you will you choose to believe in? What choices will you resolve within yourself to follow through on, come what may?
When David faced Goliath, 1 Samuel 17:45 says he ran quickly toward the battle line.
We need to run quickly towards our giants. I've had a tendency to ignore, run away from, or throw tantrums at my giants. One lovely young man I went out with used to chide me good naturally for throwing my toys out of the pram! How rude.
As a woman, it has to be admitted, I was not brought up to consider how to fight. And yet the bible doesn’t distinguish between men and women fighting in the spiritual battle. We are all called to fight.
Throughout the battles that God has ensured I experience, He has taught me to pick up my weapons. He’s taught me, even though I’m a woman, I am called to be a warrior. David writes in Psalms 144:1, He trains my hands for war and my fingers for battle. It was a shock for me when I first realised God expected me to fight! (Who, me?) Zechariah 10:3 talks about the Lord’s flock (of sheep) being made to be like a beautiful and majestic horse in the battle. Fearless. Strong. Even excitable with nervous energy, causing it to surge forward into the noise of battle. It was a revelation for me when I first realised God wanted me to embrace the fight as a war horse, surging forward in strength and enthusiasm, anticipating the victory rather than dreading the fight.
David is our example here, shouting down the biggest, loudest predator he’d ever seen and running towards it with victory already in his hands, his feet and his heart. God would have us run quickly toward the battle line, choosing our weapon as we run, and calling out to the enemy our intention, and in who's name we're fighting.

When you're a follower of Jesus Christ, each battle belongs to Him – not us. Each battle has His command and each battle has His intended result upon it. We need to hand over the reins – that means, the outcome.
If we fight for the reins instead of victory over the giant, we’ll be fighting against ourselves.
We’ll lose what God wants us to overcome. But if we hand over the reins and follow God into every battle, we’ll demolish our giants every time. The battle may be long, or it may be quick, but as long as it belongs to the Lord, He will give us every weapon we need, and the endurance to continue until the giant has been put down.
Consequences are determined by who holds the reins!
Isaiah 35:3-4 (ESV)
Strengthen the weak hands, and make firm the feeble knees. Say to those who have an anxious heart, “Be strong; fear not! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God. He will come and save you.”
See related poem: A Lion's Roar
For more on the war horse – read Job 39:19-25 (New King James version is inspiring).