Peace is not about a season, circumstances, decisions, feelings or other people's treatment of us. Yes, to have emotional peace, or peace of mind, it's important to take the most positive view possible. But there's more to it than that. Peace is about one particular person.
It's about a person who is not defined by others, is not changed by labels, but only identifies with the truth within Himself. He is not changed by others praise. He is not victimised by others actions or accusations. He is not defeated by others hatred or misunderstanding. He overrules it, has overcome it, and overpowers it all with righteousness, justice, and an undefeatable love and mighty peace.
Jesus Christ, who is God yet became a man for three decades, submitted Himself to human hands as a baby, and again at the end of His life, laying it down for our sake. None of it defined Him. Rather, He defined life.
Jesus Christ came so that we would know how to define ourselves in Him.
He came so that we would not be defined by others. So that we would not be changed by labels or identify with the confusion and agenda of others. He came so that we would identify with His truth. He came so that we would not be changed by others praise or victimised by others actions or accusations. He came so that we would not be defeated by hatred or misunderstanding. He came so that we could overrule it, overcome it, and overpower it in His Name, by His undefeatable love and mighty peace.
Jesus Christ came to rule and reign and He calls us to rule and reign in Him.
Through complete trust in Him, we are able to live in His mighty peace that passes understanding, no matter what we face.
May the mighty, undefeatable peace and love of Jesus Christ be yours. May you follow a journey to realise His light in you.
John 10:10 (ICB)
A thief comes to steal and kill and destroy. But I came to give life—life in all its fullness.
1 John 3:16 (NIV)
This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.
Philippians 4:7 (ESV)
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.