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Faith is itself miraculous. Even when you can't believe something with your mind, you can believe it with your heart. Follow your heart. 


Matthew 17:20 (NASB)

If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, "move from here to there," and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.


What does it take? A declaration of belief.


Mark 5:36 (ESV)

Overhearing what they said, Jesus said, "Don't be afraid; just believe."


Trying something you haven’t done before can feel uncomfortable. Building something new can be daunting. It takes guts, determination, tenacity and faith.

Just believe and do what you have to do.


Romans 4:18 (KJ21)

Abraham, against all hope, believed in hope

It wasn’t even reasonable hope in the natural (the mind), but something in Abraham's heart (something that was divinely put there) that made him believe for the impossible, the impractical.

Never never never put limits on what God can do through you. Just be sure to give him all the credit once it’s done.

2024 is going to be a big year globally. For it to be a big year globally, it’s going to be a big year for millions of people, individually. And God knows each one. He knows you. He knows me. And He’s calling each of us to complete something individually. Each ‘something’ that you and I complete will contribute to what’s going to happen globally. You and I are called to have an impact on this world. (A good impact.)

Believe in the miraculous this coming year. It may not feel miraculous as you do what you believe you should do. It may feel like hard work. It may feel scary, perhaps overwhelming. Or maybe it doesn’t feel significant at all. You might not feel you have anything miraculous inside of you. That’s great! Because it’s not about you or me. It’s about what God can do through us. That's where it becomes exciting.

Believe, even as you do something that only you can do, which God is calling you to do, that you are part of something bigger, and significant.

So, don’t hold back now. Follow your heart. Just believe.


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