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Daily Journal: 10 February

Brick Walls

Do you believe God loves you? Sees you? Do you believe He holds your life in His hand?

Deuteronomy 1:25 (NIV)

Taking with them some of the fruit of the land, they brought it down to us and reported, “It is a good land that the Lord our God is giving us.”

Have you ever thought, ‘why is this happening to me?’ Have you prayed, and believed for something, but haven’t seen it? Are you starting to think it’s not for you? Wait. It is for you.

God’s not finished yet.

Make a decision to trust God all the way and let things unfold His way.

Matthew 6:33 (NLT)

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

Deuteronomy 1:26-27 (NIV)

But you were unwilling to go up;... You grumbled in your tents and said, “The Lord hates us;…

The Israelites were scared. They chose to say, “The Lord hates us”! Even when God had delivered them through the plagues, the red sea crossing, the dead Egyptian bodies in that same sea, the cloud they followed by day and night, the food God provided for them to collect every morning – in a desert.

Are you scared God’s promises won’t be fulfilled in your life?

If brick walls are in your way ask how God wants to show you His power, His love, and His protection. He wants to show you all of those things because He is the God of all of those things for you.

Matthew 7:9 (NIV)

“Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone?

God has a Father’s heart towards you and wants to draw you in, care for you, and equip you. He wants your life to be good and is waiting to embrace you and gather you in even closer.

Luke 15:20 (NCV)

“While the son was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt sorry for his son. So the father ran to him and hugged and kissed him.

Read this full story in Luke 15. It’s a parable about the father heart of God towards you.

Psalm 68:5 (NET)

He is a father to the fatherless and an advocate for widows. God rules from his holy dwelling place.

2 Corinthians 6:18 (NLT)

And I will be your Father, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.

Do you have a child’s heart of trust? Will you place your hand in His and believe? Surrender everything to the Lord in these quiet moments, and recommit your trust in His Father’s heart for you.


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